LDG Skin Wellness & Diagnosis Center

LDG is proud to offer a flat-fee integrated medically developed approach that combines skin conditions diagnosis and skin care management: Ideal Skin Wellness Protocol. LDG Skin Wellness & Skin Diagnosis Center is an independent authorized Ideal Skin Wellness clinic that helps you to identify concerning skin lesions that need medical care, establish the diagnosis of your skin conditions, medically treat your skin condition, and establish healthy skin care habits. Ideal Skin Wellness Protocol is available at our Tanleytown location by appointment only.

Ideal Skin Wellness Protocol is an integrated skin care solution that allows us to diagnose your skin condition quickly and accurately. Ideal Skin Wellness Protocol features balanced clinical approach that enables you to eliminate multiple visits.

Get started, here.

Our flat-fee for all encounters, which includes virtual Dermatology Consultation, in-person Visit to our Tenleytown location, as well as diagnosis & treatment, is $285.